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Chitosan Supplement Review

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What is it?

Chitosan (pronounced Kite-O-San) is a dietary supplement that is from the shells of shellfish such as shrimp and crab. It's a unique and natural source of fiber.

Chitosan has the amazing ability to bind to fats and cholesterol, encapsulating them before they can be absorbed by the body. This may be a dieter's dream!

How does it work?

Chitosan is a naturally occurring indigestible fiber that is lipophilic, which means it is highly attracted to fat. Chitosan binds to fat and pulls it out of the body before it is absorbed. This effect is due to its positive ionic charge. Chitosan may have the ability to attract and discharge these fats and prevent it from accumulating as body fat.

There are no calories in Chitosan since it is not digestible. The fat binds to the Chitosan fiber and becomes a large mass, which the body cannot absorb. This large mass is then eliminated from the body.

Chitosan can trap as much as seven times its weight in fat. When taken before or during a meal, it will bind to the fats before they are absorbed into the blood stream. Research has proven that it can significantly reduce the intake of dietary fat.

Are there any known side effects?

Chitosan has no adverse side effects. Because it is a shellfish product, those who have severe allergic reactions to shellfish should not use this product. If you are pregnant or nursing, you should not take this product. Pregnant and lactating mothers require a certain amount of fat to ensure the health of the fetus or newborn.

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