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DMAE Supplement Review

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What are they and where do they come from?

DMAE - Dimethylaminoethanol - is an antioxidant and a precursor of the neurotransmitter Acetycholine (ACh). Acetycholine is responsible for feelings of well-being and relaxation.

It plays an important role in the onset of a dreaming state. DMAE is available in supplement form. It can be consumed orally, or used as a cream topically.

What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

Although the science has not yet reached a conclusive, supportable, position on the exact function(s) of DMAE, anecdotal evidence suggests that DMAE supplementation is very beneficial. For example, DMAE may be helpful in improving memory and learning ability.

DMAE supplementation has been known to increase energy levels. It may also have positive benefits for dreaming and mood stabilization.

Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

There are no known symptoms of deficiency. Everyone can benefit from supplementing with DMAE. Populations that may benefit most from the supplementation of DMAE include: The Elderly, Athletes, and individuals who wish to use DMAE for its cosmetic applications.

Increased energy levels are something that athletes require. High-intensity physical activity is very demanding. By supplementing with DMAE, athletes may notice shorter recovery times and improved athletic performance. DMAE also plays a role in muscle contractions (by being a precursor to ACh).

DMAE, as mentioned, also has a cosmetic application. While it is not a "facelift in a bottle", DMAE can serve to tighten the skin when applied topically. This may reduce the appearance of aging. Individuals with a PABA (Para-Amino-benzoic-acid) allergy should avoid supplementing with DMAE because DMAE is a chemical relative of PABA.

How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

DMAE is non-toxic and is safe for human use. However, it is recommended that label directions always be followed. Overdosing with DMEA can result in insomnia, headaches and muscle tension. Persons suffering from Alzheimer's disease, depression, or other psychiatric conditions should consult a physician prior to supplementing with DMAE.

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